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10 Best Charts to Level Up Your Project Management

Today’s intricate business landscape presents organizations with the challenges of complex projects and tight deadlines. This complexity often results in project delays, obstacles, and failure. Such failures can lead to financial losses, highlighted in a Project Management Institute (PMI) study. Also, The Standish Group’s CHAOS report highlights the alarming 66% failure rate in software industry projects. This is due to inadequate planning, poor communication, and a lack of relevant data. Effective Project Management emerges as a cornerstone for project success in this scenario. It calls for an innovative approach and utilization of reliable tools. Project management charts play a crucial role in ensuring project success. It significantly improves team productivity and efficiency in achieving project objectives.

Understanding The Different Project Management Charts

What are Project Management Charts?

Project management charts visually represent project data. It provides all project details. This includes task details, due dates, completion dates, and necessary resources. It assists in organizing massive volumes of data into an understandable format. Project charts provide valuable insight into project progress. Additionally, it makes it simple for project teams to comprehend complex information at a glance. This increases the efficiency of project management. 

Gantt Chart

Gantt chart is a famous project management chart. It clearly illustrates numerous tasks and stages involved in a specific project. A Gantt chart shows a project’s various goals and milestones in a roadmap format. With tasks on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal, it resembles bar charts. Gantt charts help create and visualize task dependencies, milestone mapping, critical path identification, and project progress. Moreover, it supports project managers in staying on track and completing work effectively.

PERT Chart

PERT stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique. It is a diagrammatic chart that consists of arrows, circles, and lines used to show activities and milestones in a project. This project chart finds the critical path and creates project timelines. It helps to quickly track activities and tasks that have uncertain deadlines. Additionally, it aids in determining how long each activity should take and helps differentiate between crucial tasks and those that are not. PERT charts work best when there are several tasks with varying deadlines.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis chart is a project management tool. It has four quadrants: opportunities, threats, weaknesses, and strengths. Stakeholders highly regard this project management chart. As it provides valuable insights into project’s strengths and possible risks during planning phase. SWOT analysis provides an in-depth review of current tasks. This enables project managers to organize their resources to meet requirements efficiently. Moreover, it is easy to create and helpful in mapping out potential growth and strategic planning.


Flowcharts offer a clear and concise visual depiction of objectives, processes, and outcomes related to project. This makes it possible to increase overall efficiency and process management. The flow chart uses boxes, other shapes, colors, and arrows to graphically illustrate a project’s development. It is beneficial for visualizing the process.  Since it logically depicts various phases and procedures involved in a project. Additionally, it creates smooth communication needed to ensure efficient project planning and monitoring.

Work-Breakdown Structure

Work breakdown structure involves breaking and assigning tasks to teams. This creates a seamless workflow. It enables project teams to organize their work to ensure the accomplishment of their deliverables. The first level of WBS chart depicts primary/main task. Second and following levels display minor tasks involved in project. This diagram facilitates improved planning and helps to simplify complicated projects. It assists project managers in carrying out their work methodically. In addition, it ensures that they allocate appropriate resources.

Pareto Chart

Pareto Charts are an invaluable tool for gaining knowledge to improve the likelihood of a project. It is a project management chart that combines line and bar graph features. Additionally, it tracks and identifies specific project aspects. This helps improve problem detection and informed decision-making. It offers a thorough visual depiction, facilitating efficient communication between diverse project teams. Furthermore, project managers can easily use a spreadsheet to create a Pareto chart.

Cause-Effect Project Chart

Cause-Effect Project Chart helps brainstorm ideas and potential solutions. It identifies every possible cause of a specific problem in a project. Using this chart in the early stages of the project helps project managers identify and minimize issues. It allows professionals to plan for problems that arise during the project’s execution. Moreover, it represents the problem as a straight line, with divergent routes used to map and identify possible causes. These diagrams are often referred to as fishbone or Ishikawa diagrams due to their shape.

Burn-up or Burn-down

A burn-up or burn-do project management chart aids in getting a clear picture of project’s progress. The burn-up chart provides an overview of completed tasks. In contrast, the burn-down chart displays unfinished tasks. This enables project managers to finish tasks successfully before deadlines. Professionals have to plot their projected work duration against the actual time on their chart to create a burn-down chart.

Critical Path Diagram

Critical path diagram sequentially illustrates the essential activities of a project. Boxes in a CPM chart represent project activities or tasks, while arrows depict the flow and connections of the tasks. It helps project managers visualize the amount of work, set a reasonable budget and timeline, and duration of each activity. This aids professionals in ensuring that the project continues on course.

Control Chart

A control chart is a project management chart ideal to map out a process over time. It monitors a process’s outputs and ensures that its activities fall within acceptable limits. Using the chart, project managers may gain essential insight into changes in any given process. Additionally, it helps determine process variations and provides information on potential issues. The chart consists of a lower limit, an upper limit, and an average center line.


Project management charts are a game-changer for project teams. It will help them finish their task effectively. Project chart helps to quickly grasp what must be done and visualize the entire task. It also dramatically reduces the time and effort required to manage various projects. Despite the wide range of charts on the market, choosing the correct set of charts will depend on a project’s complexity and demands. Professionals may enroll in PMP Certification Training to learn to use these tools and choose appropriate charts for their projects. Candidates gain proficiency with a variety of project management tools through training. This further aids in their effective planning, helps them establish realistic deadlines, and maximizes their efficiency in completing projects.

Posted in Project Management

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