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7 Proven Benefits of Lean Six Sigma for your Company

Six Sigma Black Belt Advantages

Why should a company implement Lean Six Sigma methodologies? These are the questions often asked by the professionals, management. Here we list out some of the key benefits which could help the readers to understand the benefits and value additions of the Lean Six Sigma Implementations.

The benefits are divided into below segments which elaborates in detail and could help you to understand how Lean Six Sigma implementations enhance the business standards and value to the organization. If you’re planning to deploy whole as Six Sigma into your organization, then below points might help you.

Financial Value Additions:-

Global companies like GE, Philips, Amazon have been implementing Lean and Six Sigma culture and they have been saving millions together with such deployments. If you deploy a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certified professional into this cost saving task then usually 3-4 projects may get completed to save huge amount which in turn saves budgetary to your company.

Any Lean Six Sigma Black Belt professional completes such projects then it is a key element of Six Sigma to the organization. This can be very well documented by the Finance division of the company which can show the savings achieved by the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Project. The achievement will be real and can be done with the support of the stakeholders, owners and employees in a collaborated way. A Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Professional will lead such projects and help the organizations to save. By this, your company’s profitability increases and can use the same amount to train other officials, stake holders to improvise the process in their day today operations flawlessly.

Strategic Value Additions:-

Any Six Sigma Certified professional will be of Strategic importance to such projects. They will be having hands on with the data, facts and figures and can easily identify the business stoppage or the blockage to the process. This is called Root Cause. They are good enough to identify such road blocks which are arising in the business achievement and can easily eradicate such blockages nearest to zero. Please note, Six Sigma is a process of improvisation but not the remedy to the problem. Thus it can not be 100% eradicated but can eradicate near to 100%.

The trained Six Sigma professionals understands the need of the organization with their methodologies and will strive hard to over come such wastes with data driven six sigma methodologies. This results in improved outputs/processes and helps other organizational members to adopt such methods to overcome such issues resulting in overall Six Sigma deployments in an organization.

Value Addition to Customers:-

With Six Sigma deployments your customers will get good service, quality product and timely delivery. Your sales will boost with such projects and helps your organization to effectively deliver good quality products. You can also advertise stating you have deployed process improvement methods which can make your customers to believe a good service or a quality product at the end. Many organizations use such methodologies to provide extraordinary services or quality products to their customers. You can also see the dramatic change in the process or quality once such deployments are carried out in the organization. This provides your customer trust on you and further business opportunities which can benefit the organization on a long run.

Competitive Value Additions:-

Once you deploy Lean Six Sigma methodology in your organization,  you will be able to see more significant changes between your organization and your competitors. With this you can use marketing and sales pitches to promote your brand and methods adopted to give a final extraordinary product or a output to your customers.This will leave your competitors behind and you can get hold of your customers with such wonderful methodologies by gaining customer’s trust. Please keep in mind that for any business customer trust and loyalty plays a vital role. If this is taken care then such customers will be with you for long time.

Value Addition to Stakeholders:-

The major benefit arise out of Six Sigma deployment is the workforce. Assume a entire work force lined up for process improvement methods and imagine the quality of the output or the process. Lean Six Sigma principles help the workers to adopt such benefits and can in turn help the organizations to save huge money which gets wasted in a long term assignments.You can also work with your customers hand in hand to improve the solutions and helps them understand the methods followed to serve them to the fullest.

Standardized Value Additions:-

Every organization get the benefit from Standardized processes or methods. If deployed, every process would run in a same way as followed by DMAIC framework. Thus all the employees, stakeholders, customers will know what is where. If you are happened to delegate the work to the employee who is managing the project then a new staff will be able to know where it has to start off from where it is left off with the help of data driven calculations, methodologies and the decisions to make at a right time. Hence an organization can be achieved equal to 100% efficiency with Six Sigma deployment satisfying the management, employees, customers and last but not the least to savings to the company.

Unichrone specializes in providing Quality Management certification training courses such as Lean Six Sigma Green BeltLean Six Sigma black BeltLean Six Sigma yellow Belt. If you would like to know more about the benefits of Quality Management certifications for your career, call our consultant now on: +91-9886140602 Or email :

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